I stumbled on the Dressing Your Truth course a couple of years ago and have seen the company go from strength to strength, improving its website and courses along the way.
Dressing Your Truth is an online, do-it-yourself makeover program – honestly, it had me at online. I love doing stuff online. What better way to learn some fashion sense than by doing it in your own time and space.
The course gives you the tools to discover your own unique type (well, slotting yourself into one of four types). The types basically reflect your personality, and then you’re given tips and styles of clothing that will let you ‘dress your truth’.
After founder, Carol Tuttle’s 20 years in the field of personal development, she’s found that people express four general Types of movement. While you have all 4 Types within you, you most dominantly express only one of them. To really look and feel your best, you should dress for your personality.
For example, Type 1 people are light, bright, energetic and animated. Full of ideas and fun and laughter. If you put them in black, they feel and look heavy and uncomfortable.
Type 4 people are bold and powerful. If you put them in pastels or flowing fabrics, they will feel and look muted and drab and inept.
Here is a quick overview of each Type:
- Type 1: The bright, animated person who has a gift for new ideas and possibilities. The Type 1 expression is naturally upward, light, and upbeat.
- Type 2: The soft and calming person who has a gift for gathering details and making plans. The natural movement of Type 2 is fluid and flowing.
- Type 3: The swift and dynamic person who has a gift for moving into action quickly to create practical results. The natural movement of Type 3 is active and reactive.
- Type 4: The structured and exact person who has a gift for looking at the world through a critical eye and perfecting it. The natural movement of a Type 4 person is constant and precise.
I dutifully researched fully the course and Carol’s blog, read the book and pretty much knew what type I was straight-away. Some of the characteristics she mentions just had me laughing out loud and couldn’t believe she could hit on my personality so accurately….
I’ll let you know what type I arrived at in another post, so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. But if you want to check Dressing Your Truth out in the meantime, visit here.